Utilizing idle space
Would you like to revitalize your business by attracting customers and improving your services?
The number of smartphones owned
Increasing year by year
Mobile batteries start with "ownership"
Towards an era of "sharing"
Battery rental market is growing rapidly
The battery rental market is growing rapidly due to the need for smartphone charging, especially among Generation Z.
Factor 1
Frequency of smartphone use
As society becomes more IT-based, smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives and their frequency of use has increased.
Factor 2
The adoption of the system in stores is expanding
factor 3
Smartphone outages
As power consumption increases for 5G, chat calls, SNS, cameras, maps, videos, games, etc., the gap between a smartphone's battery performance and power demand becomes larger.
Factor 4
The Japanese market is entering a period of growth
Demand is expected to grow even further in the future, and in the future it is expected to be introduced in most stores and facilities, just like in other countries.
Overseas sharing mobile battery company will be listed on NASDAQ in 2021, and Japan will finally enter a period of growth!
How mobile battery sharing services work
My phone battery is low!
Scan the QR code on the battery stand!
Remove the mobile battery from the slot and start renting.
IOT Cloud Services
Location Owner
Benefits for installation stores
Utilizing unused space, joining new businesses, and starting new businesses
Customers will inevitably visit stores that offer a mobile battery rental service to rent and return mobile batteries. Furthermore, the store will become known in the local area as a "place where you can charge," which will attract more people to the store.
Attract customers to stores and improve convenience
Providing a smartphone charging service will improve customer convenience and satisfaction. Meeting customer needs will increase the store's favorable impression, leading to increased repeat visit rates, differentiating the store from rival stores and strengthening its competitiveness.
Helpful in times of disaster
In the event of a disaster or other emergency, the store can also contribute to the local community by serving as an emergency smartphone charging spot. This can increase the store's reputation as a socially responsible and contribution to the community.
No management experience or labor costs required!
Utilizing cutting-edge IoT technology and a cloud management system, all rental operations are carried out automatically, so no special knowledge or experience is required. Once set up, the charging station operates automatically, allowing users to rent and return batteries on a self-service basis.
Attracting customers
Both the time to borrow and return items are opportunities to visit the store.
Popular services for inbound travelers
No management experience or labor costs required!
Rental is completed via the app
Leave all your troubles to us
New revenue streams
Utilizing unused space to generate tenant income
Just install it, no management required
Improved in-store service
Charging smartphones and e-cigarettes
Enhancement of store services